But Lilo Abernathy certainly has a shot. Her urban fantasy/paranormal romance/mystery The Light Who Shines (Bluebell Kildare Series Book 1)
Now Lilo has it on good authority that it is possible for a Kindle Daily Deal to result in up to 3,000 downloads in a day - and that it may take as few as 3,500 copies sold in a day to reach that precious #1 spot. So she's enlisting the aid of all of her author friends in a cooperative attempt to make that happen.
"Great!" I hear you thinking. "What can I do to help?"
Thanks for asking! The simple answer - share, share, share! Like me, Lilo is very active on Twitter (@Lilo_Abernathy) and also on Facebook (she's created an events page here), so on Thursday, if you could share her tweets or her posts in the venue of your choice, that would be tremendously helpful. She will also be updating her Blogger blog with a post to share if you prefer to do that instead. And if you're really feeling ambitious, you can start a couple of days ahead of time and recruit others to help out, too - hence this post! As Lilo is not on Wordpress, feel free to re-blog my post if you like - whatever it takes to get the word out.
Not much of a social sharer? No problem! Click the image below to check out her book - for only $1.99, you might just want to buy it! ;)
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