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Monday, September 1, 2014

Buffalo Jump!

Most of us have heard of the "Buffalo Jump," of course, but in all my travels, I had never actually seen the site of one before. After spending a dark and stormy night outside of Rapid City, I decided to duck over to Wyoming to visit Devil's Tower. It wasn't long after dawn when I spotted signs on the highway directing me to this noteworthy landmark:

Buffalo Jump

Very thorough explanation, isn't it? But what, you may be wondering, as I was, does the buffalo jump actually look like? After considerable searching in the early morning light, I finally realized that it lay in an unmarked field just across the road:

Buffalo Jump 2

That's one heck of a sinkhole, but it doesn't seem as though buffalo could become effectively trapped in it, does it? Perhaps not - but it was a sinkhole, after all, that was responsible for creating one of the most spectacular archaeological sites in the world today - Mammoth!


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